karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

mulled wine, ホットワイン

2015-02-05 20:29:00 | ノンジャンル
It snowed lightly all day.
The snow did not stay on the ground.

I'm afraid it will snow heavily during the night.

A friend of mine gave me a bottle of wine.
She knows I like wine.

She asked me if I had ever tried ホットワイン.
“No,” I said to her.

She said ホットワイン was very good in winter.

And she kindly gave me a present
of a bottle of red wine.

I heated some wine in the microwave oven.

Wow! I do love mulled wine.

It was delicious especially after working
as a voluntary waitress.

Thank you, YI-san, for delicious mulled wine.