karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Festival at Tokyo Keizai University

2013-11-03 23:13:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I had something to do around Kokubunji Station.

When I finished it, I remembered a festival was going on
at Tokyo Keizai University.

I went to a police box, Koban, in front of the station
and asked them how to go to Tokyo Keizai University.

Tokyo Keizai University is about 15 minutes' walk
from Kokubunji Station.

The campus was crowded.
Yes, the festival was a great success.

Oh, how refreshing to be among university students!

I decided to talk to them only in English.
All the students I talked to answered me in English.
They seemed to be enjoying talking in English.

I enjoyed a live concert by 5 'a cappella'(アカペラ)

Each group consisted of 5-6 members.
I listened to their songs in beautiful harmony.

After the concert I answered a questionnaire,
adding a comment in English.

I enjoyed “Artist Live” held in the courtyard.
“Fairies“, a group of young professional singers,
was invited to the festival.

A large audience attended the live.
The audience clapped, danced and swayed
to Fairies' songs.

I'm sorry I knew nothing about Fairies
but I also clapped and swayed to their songs.

I ate たこ焼き and じゃがバター for lunch.
They were delicious and low-priced.

I had a happy Culture Day.

I walked 13808 steps today.