karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on an Indian Summer day

2013-11-06 10:53:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday was such a balmy Indian summer day
that I went out for a walk in the afternoon.

Wow! What a lovely day!

Just a moment, karin. Where are you going?

I visited Jindaiji Temple, 深大寺 in Chofu.

I went to Mitaka by train and went to 深大寺 
by bus.

It’s my second time to visit the temple.

I had a calm and gentle time alone.

After having Zenzai at a shop, I went to the bus stop.

I got on a bus which came first, and it was a bus
for Kichijoji.

I was sorry it was a little late to enjoy walking
around Kichijoji.

It’s sometimes much fun to walk without any plans.

