karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

I'm all right!

2013-01-16 10:49:00 | ノンジャンル
The first snow of the year in Tokyo surprised me.
The snow still remains.

I must be careful when I walk outside.
The road is wet and slippery.

They say it’s too expensive to prepare for only a few
snowfalls in Tokyo.

I'm afraid the abnormal weather in recent years will
cause a lot of snow even in Tokyo.

In Tochio, the snow country in Niigata-Ken, they have
a lot of snow every year.

It's hard to live there but they can't escape from snow.
They have no choice. They have to live in snow.

On the day I came back to Tokyo, two men removed
the snow from the roof of my sister's house.

One of them came with his three sons, junior and senior high school
boys, and showed them how to sweep snow off the roof.

I was surprised to see sidewalks with snow walls on both sides.

I thought to myself that it might be good to be back to Tochio,
where I lived for 18 years, and to spend the rest of my life

Oh, it’s not so easy to live there!

(around my sister's house in Tochio)

on New Year's Day of 2013

2013-01-02 10:50:00 | ノンジャンル
On New Year's Eve I went to my daughter's
with a deep pot of のっぺ.

My daughter's family all like my のっぺ very much.
This is the only dish I cook for them.

On New Year's Day my daughter prepared お雑煮
and おしるこ.

We were happy to enjoy New Year's Breakfast.

We went to our local shrine 熊野宮 by taxi.

I prayed for my family's good health.

Then I left Kodaira for Yoyogi by myself.
Yes, I visited 明治神宮.

I arrived at Yoyogi Station around 2:00 p.m.

I was a quite stranger in Yoyogi and asked a lady
where 明治神宮 was.

Here I am!

明治神宮 was crowded too closely together.
明治神宮 was crowded forward.

It had to wait for one hour to come
to the main shrine building 本殿.

I prayed for Happy 2013.

Peace on Earth, Happiness to You.