karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Jazz & Pop Concert 2013

2013-01-21 10:31:00 | ノンジャンル
When I came to live in Tokyo, koharu was
only 6 months old--almost just born.

Time really flies!

koharu is now 13 years old.

She is very busy at junior high school.
She comes home very late in the evening.
So I don’t see koharu on weekdays.

koharu learns the piano at JOY MUSIC.

Yesterday JOY MUSIC gave a concert--
‘Jazz & Pop Concert 2013.’

It was held at ルネ小平.

There is a big red mailbox near the Hall.

koharu performed on the stage with three professional

She played 子象の行進, Henry Mancini’s
‘Baby Elephant Walk’on the piano.

Probably you know the melody.
How groovy the beat is!

Her teacher said to koharu, “Great, koharu.
You've done it well.”

Thank you, koharu.

I had a wonderful time.

(koharu on the stage, on July 11 in 2004)