karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to Kinchakuda in Hidaka City

2012-09-26 23:50:00 | ノンジャンル
On this perfect autumn day, I went to 巾着田
to see 曼珠沙華(彼岸花).

I was a little bit too early to see 彼岸花 
in full flower.

They will be at their best next week, I suppose.

I went there alone because I had no time to ask
someone to go along with me.

I enjoyed talking with some ladies.
Yes, I enjoyed 一期一会.

I bought fresh 里芋・茗荷・ネギ at a farmer’s stand.

What a nice day I had!

I walked 14879 steps today.

(Koma Station)

(at farmers’ stands on the way to 巾着田)

(at 巾着田)