karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

the heat of late summer

2012-09-15 10:38:00 | ノンジャンル
It has been so hot since the day I enjoyed
walking in Kamakura.

I'm afraid water is running here in Tokyo.
Rain is needed but no flood.

Typhoon No. 16 is approaching.
It is a powerful typhoon, I hear..
I hope it will not cause great damage in Japan.

I've been busy this week.
To be exact, I've kept myself busy so as to forget
the blazing heat.

I'm glad to know autumn is approaching.
The days are growing shorter.
It is getting cooler in the early morning and
in the evening.

Many of us have three holidays in a row—
today Saturday, tomorrow Sunday and Happy Monday.

How do I spend these three days?
I’d like to spend them with koharu.

Sorry to say, she is busy with her brass band club
activities and her volunteer work.

Anyway, I’ll have a good day.

walking in Kamakura

2012-09-10 23:51:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday, I came back from koharu’s house
very early in the morning.

I got to my apartment at 6:30.

I had breakfast, got my things ready and hurried
to Kokubunji Station.

Yes, I joined ‘Green Road Walking Club’.

I enjoyed walking in Kamakura City.

It was a very hot day, as you know.

We started to walk from Kita-kamakura Station.

We walked on and on seeing the sights in Kamakura.


We had lunch at a restaurant we liked in 小町通り.






Then we took 江ノ電 from Kamakura Station to Hase Station.

We walked to 長谷寺, then to 高徳院(鎌倉大仏).

Oh, I remember that deep blue sea I saw from 長谷寺.



We said good byes at Kamakura Station and went home.

I walked 18321 steps in a day.

today’s flowers

2012-09-08 11:21:00 | ノンジャンル
I've just been to a farmer's to buy fresh eggs
for my daughter.

The farmer keeps hens in his garden.

They are free-running hens kept in a large cage.

They lay very good brown eggs.

Today I'm going to stay the night at my daughter's house.

koharu's brass band is going to play some music
at こどもまつり at Chuo Kominkan this afternoon.

koharu's parents are going to Fuchu City to practice
the saxophone with other band members.

koharu's brother is busy preparing for examinations.

I'll stay at my daughter's home as all members are out.

Yes, it means every member of my family is in good condition
and enjoys their own life.

I'm happy to know they are happy.

(flowers I saw on the way to the farmer's)

(koharu's 山椒の実)

Come September

2012-09-05 22:59:00 | ノンジャンル
It's Wednesday, September 5th
and I attended Wednesday English Class.

I left my apartment just at noon and walked to KIFA.

KIFA stands for Kodaira International Friendship Association,

I wore a hat to keep off the sun.

The sun glared down mercilessly.

Are we really in September?
Isn't it too hot for September?

Suddenly I remembered the movie
titled ‘Come September.’(九月になれば)

Have you ever seen the movie?
Do you know about the movie?

I remember watching the movie in my schooldays,
about 50 years ago.

But I don't remember its story at all.
I'd like to watch the movie again, if possible.

Oh, the title of the movie brings me back old memories!

I was walking thinking of my good old schooldays
and got to KIFA before I knew it.

I had been walking in the sun for 30 minutes!

I'm happy I'm not afraid of this blazng heat.

Today I walked 10311 steps in a day.

(tamagawa-josui, today)

a happy day

2012-09-02 23:55:00 | ノンジャンル
Today we, three ladies, promised to meet
on the platform of Chuo Line in Tokyo Station
at 11:30 a.m.

We were coworkers. M-san and I live in Tokyo
and Yama-san lives in Niigata.

She came to Tokyo to see her daughter and
this was the last day in Tokyo.

She had to leave Tokyo at three o’clock.

Where shall we have lunch?
Oh, we have no time to go to lunch in Ginza.

We had lunch at たん熊 in Daimaru Department Store
in Tokyo Station
The lunch 北山 was delicious!

We could see Tokyo Sky Tree from the top floor.

After seeing off Yama-san, M-san and I went out of
Tokyo Station.

We happened to see a sign 「はとバス」and decided
to get on 「はとバス」if we were in time for any of them.

We were in time for an open double-decker sightseeing
bus named「オー・ソラ・ミオ」.

We enjoyed the drive to Tokyo Sky Tree.

We never got off the bus, only enjoying the scenery from
the bus.

We could feel the soft wind on the open bus.

The course was as follows:


The ticket was 1500 yen.

I had a good time today.

Thank you, my dear Friends!