karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

two days in Kamakura and Enoshima (2)

2010-01-26 21:20:00 | ノンジャンル
After visiting Jochiji-temple, M-san and I went up the hill
--Kuzuharagaoka hiking course.

I felt as if I were climbing Mt. Takao. I was surprised
that there was a hill like that in the center of Kamakura.

Kuzuharagaoka-shrine (葛原岡神社)was only
thirty minutes away from Jochiji-temple (浄智寺).
But I felt very tired. What a relief when I got to

I thought Daibutsu hiking course would be difficult
for us, so we decided to go to Zeniarai-Benzaiten
(銭洗弁財天). I washed a 10000-yen bill.

two days in Kamakura and Enoshima (1)

2010-01-26 12:29:00 | ノンジャンル
Last July M-san and I stayed in Kamakura only 4 hours.
I wanted to see much more of Kamakura.
I wanted to visit Enoshima which I had never visited before.

M-san and I met at Shinjuku Station at 10 o'clock.
We took the Shonan-Shinjuku line.
We found out that we had taken the wrong train
when the train stopped at Chigasaki !

We should have taken the train for Zushi.
We took the train for Odawara!

Anyway we arrived at Kita-Kamakura at noon.
We had some coffee at Jeanne d'Arc, M-san's favorite
coffee shop.

I asked the master about Kuzuharagaoka hiking course
And we decided to enjoy the hiking course
to Kuzuharagaoka-shrine (葛原岡神社).

We started to walk from the coffee shop.
On the way to the hiking course we visited Tokeiji-temple (東慶寺).
It is famous as 'sanctuary', 駆け込み寺.
Ume was in bloom. Ume was beautiful against the blue sky.

Then we walked to Jochiji-temple (浄智寺).

final income tax return, kakutei-shinkoku

2010-01-23 13:28:00 | ノンジャンル
I have a small income, I mean, my pension.

I've just filled out my final income tax return.
Hooley!! 14164 yen will be returned to me.

Our leaders, Mr. Hatoyama and Mr. Ozawa, are
talking of hundred million or billion yen.

I'm surprised they are so rich!

I'm satisfied with 14164 yen.

koharu's family and I are going to have dinner out
at a restaurant in Tachikawa this evening.

Is it OK that I will pay for the dinner?
I'm afraid they will say NO.

( this morning )


2010-01-20 20:41:00 | ノンジャンル
This is the coldest season of the year.

According to the calendar it is 大寒 today.

Here in Tokyo it was a warm and sunny day.

It was just reported that the today's maximum
temperature in Tokyo was 17.2℃---
the second highest maximum temperature
in these 50 years!

The temperature will rapidly decline.
We'll soon have cold winter days again.

Sunday morning, Jan. 17, '10

2010-01-17 10:49:00 | ノンジャンル
I woke up around five o'clock this morning.
I put on the radio by my bedside.
I listened to the radio in bed.

The radio reported about

the 15th anniversary of
the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.

15 years have passed!
How did they begin life again?
I am now thinking of those sufferers' hard years.
Yes, life must go on, whatever may happen.

I'm now thinking of 'life'.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
To live out today is important.
I'd like to enjoy each moment.

( in front of my apartment )
There are many runners this morning.

( Iberis Bridal Bouquet )