karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

climbing Mt. Kagenobu (1)

2010-01-11 11:08:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday Ms. Y and I climbed a mountain
for the first time in the New Year.

All the mountains Ms. Y and I can climb are only a few
--Mt. Takao which is 599 meters high, Mt. Shiroyama,
671 meters high and Mt. Kagenobu, 727 meters high.

We met at the bus stop #2 in front of Takao Station.
We took the bus for Kobotoke.

We started to climb Mt. Kagenobu from Kobotoke Entrance
(290 meters high).

We went up a steep forest trail step by step.

Our steps were very slow and unsteady.

We stood aside and allowed all hikers to pass through.

The top of Mt. Kagenobu was crowded with many hikers.

They were laughing.
They were talking.
They were eating.
They were relaxed.

All of them looked happy.
How happy we were there !

Ms.Y and I went down a winding forest trail for Lake Sagamiko.
We took a bus at Sokozawa for Sagamiko Station.

We went to see Lake Sagamiko.
It was a calm and peaceful lake.

How grateful I was
that I could still climb a mountain!

I walked 21312 steps yesterday.