karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

two days in Kamakura and Enoshima (6)

2010-01-26 23:38:00 | ノンジャンル
We stayed in Enoshima for five hours
and returned to Kamakura.

We visited Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu shrine.

There were many visitors even on Monday.

We had dinner at a restaurant near Kamakura Station
before coming back to Tokyo.

I walked 20767 steps on the second day.

We walked a lot.
We had a nice time.

Thank you so much, M-san.

two days in Kamakura and Enoshima (5)

2010-01-26 23:20:00 | ノンジャンル
How many staircases did I ascend or descend in Enoshima?

We went to the top of the Lighthouse(江ノ島展望灯台)
by elevator but descended a spiral staircase from the top
of the Lighthouse.

The stairway rose so steeply that I felt scared and dizzy.
The Lighthouse is 119.6 meters above the sea level.

After the Lighthouse, we visited Enoshima Aquarium (新江ノ島水族館).

two days in Kamakura and Enoshima (3)

2010-01-26 21:53:00 | ノンジャンル
We walked down a long paved road to the street.
We walked on and on along the street
and arrived at Kotoku-in-temple (高徳院).

I was happy to see the Great Buddha(大仏)again.

Then we walked to Hase-dera temple (長谷寺).

We arrived at Kamakura Prince Hotel around five in the evening.
We watched a spectacular ocean sunset from our room.

I waked 17484 steps on the first day.

It was nice to have breakfst watching the ocean.

two days in Kamakura and Enoshima (2)

2010-01-26 21:20:00 | ノンジャンル
After visiting Jochiji-temple, M-san and I went up the hill
--Kuzuharagaoka hiking course.

I felt as if I were climbing Mt. Takao. I was surprised
that there was a hill like that in the center of Kamakura.

Kuzuharagaoka-shrine (葛原岡神社)was only
thirty minutes away from Jochiji-temple (浄智寺).
But I felt very tired. What a relief when I got to

I thought Daibutsu hiking course would be difficult
for us, so we decided to go to Zeniarai-Benzaiten
(銭洗弁財天). I washed a 10000-yen bill.