karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

she is happy, I think

2005-07-11 21:34:09 | ノンジャンル
It was a very hot day again. I was sweating all over while doing the vacuuming at my daughter's house.

My daughter has been very, very busy marking a lot of examination papers in physics. So I often go to her and help her with household chores.

She is a part-time teacher of physics at a private high school. This is her second year as a part-time teacher. She majored in astrophysics at a university in Kyoto. She loves physics so much.

She is happy when she is studying or thinking of physics. She is now 37 but had no experience of teaching at school. I am glad she seems to like teaching , too. She hopes to be a full-time teacher when her two children have grown older enough.

This is a picture taken by me near Lake Tamako in Tokyo last month. Enjoy the coolness of this picture, please. Opposite of the coolness?

2 コメント

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Unknown (max)
2005-07-13 20:06:13
Unknown (karin)
2005-07-15 22:28:43
maxさん ご訪問いただき恐縮しております。お二人のブログ、とても楽しく拝見しております。コメントはあまり書きませんが、毎日必ず拝見しております。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。