karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to the Suntory Museum of Art

2016-12-20 20:08:00 | ノンジャンル
Last Saturday Mrs. M and I went
to the Suntory Museum of Art in Tokyo Midtown.

This time we enjoyed Japanese paintings painted by
Akita samurai painters in Edo period.(秋田の武士兼画家)

Have you ever heard of 秋田蘭画 ? No, I haven't.

It is a school of paintings in Edo period
which lasted only for 7 years or so in Akita-ken.

蘭画 means Dutch-style paintings.

The basic difference between 蘭画 and Japanese traditional
paintings is the use of perspective.(遠近法)

I'm sorry I don't understand 秋田蘭画 very well
but I enjoyed the paintings of 小田野直武(1749~1780).

Anyway, 小田野直武 was the leader of 秋田蘭画.

I was surprised to know that he drew illustrations in 解体新書.

His paintings are real and have something calm.
His paintings calm the soul.
I was deeply impressed by his paintings.

Mrs. M and I had a late lunch at 酢重ダイニング六角.

I was happy I had an appetite enough to eat two thirds
of the lunch set!

We enjoyed talking a lot as we always do whenever we meet.

Thank you very much, Mrs. M!
See you around.