karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

my first 6 days in December

2016-12-06 21:00:00 | ノンジャンル
It's already December 6!

How have I been?

The wall calendar came to the last page.

I keep a diary every day.
I read my diary over again.

< on Dec. 1 >
I sent a Christmas card to Roberta-san.

She is a young Italian lady with two sons.

We became good friends when I went to
Lake Kawaguchiko two years ago,
about which I had written on my blog .


Her husband was transferred to the Brazil branch
and they live in Sao Paulo now. (サンパウロ)

They are going back to Italy for Christmas holidays!

So I sent a Christmas card to Italy, not Brazil.

I hope Roberta-san will receive it.

< Dec. 3 >
It was such a lovely day I walked to Koganei Park alone.

I heartily enjoyed autumn leaves.

< Dec. 6 >
I went to my daughter’s house in the morning
and in the afternoon---as I always do on weekends.

Is this the season for 木瓜?

Oh, 枇杷 has flowers!