karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

believe in a miracle

2012-04-22 11:57:00 | ノンジャンル
Last evening I attended Harmonica Concert 2012
with two ladies.

It was held in the Nissho-Hall in Minato Ward.

The instructor of our Harmonica Circle was to perform
in the concert.

He has been absent from our Circle for these three months.

He felt ill at the end of last December and went to see
his doctor.

His doctor discovered that he had developed cancer
in his both lungs, his liver, his stomach, his brain and
his lymph gland (リンパ節).

Yes, the cancer had already spread throughout his body.

His doctor said that his remaining days would be 90 days.

But our harmonica instructor, who is called 演歌の帝王,
was strong.

He survived those 90 days and stood on the stage!

He played 浪曲子守唄・風雪ながれ旅・ああ上野駅
on the harmonica.

I listened to them with tears.

I had not seen him since this January.
He got thinner, I thought.

When the concert was over, we, three ladies, went
to him.

I shook hands with him.
His hands were warm and soft.

He said, ”This is a miracle. I promise I will come back
to your Harmonica Circle again.”

We, all members of the Harmonica Circle, miss him a lot!

(by the roadside)