karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

seeing a friend in Kunitachi

2012-04-04 08:27:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I went to Kunitachi to see a friend of mine.

She gave me a call a few days ago.

She said to me, “I’ve been a little depressed
these days. I’d like to talk with you.

Would you please come to Kunitachi to see cherry

It’s too early for the cherry blossoms along 大学通り,

I told her that I would be very glad to see her.

We had lunch at a restaurant. She had a good appetite.
She didn’t look so depressed.

After lunch we enjoyed walking and talking on the wooded
campus of Hitotsubashi University.

( Mercury-- emblem of Hitotsubashi University)


I like the campus of Hitotsubashi University very much.
You can enjoy walking there whenever you want to.

Then we walked along 大学通り which is famous for its beautiful
cherry blossoms.

They will be at their best in a few days.

We enjoyed a long, long talk.

She looked refreshed but said she was afraid to go home
because she would be depressed again.

I hope she will be all right soon.

I walked 15330 steps in a day.