karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

three days in Niigata

2012-03-29 23:05:00 | ノンジャンル
This time I arrived at my home in Niigata
in the afternoon.

I wanted to be back before dark.

It was snowing but no snow lay on the ground.

I was afraid I would slip on the snowy ground,
so I had taken a pair of cleats with me.

I was glad I didn't have to use them.

As soon as I arrived at my home,
I sat before the altar(仏壇).

I said to my husband, "Hello, Darling! I'm home!"

The second day was a very fine day.
I opened all the windows and let in fresh air.

I cleaned my rooms.
I wiped the floor with a wet 雑巾.

I was surprised to find myself to be afraid
of going up and down the stairs of my own house.

Where has karin gone who used to go up and down
the stairs with her baby in her arms?

Our bedrooms were upstairs in those days.
Now I sleep downstairs.

Yes, karin has aged much since then.


I talked a lot with my husband.

I enjoyed talking with my neighbors
and my good old friends.

Thank you so much, my neighbors and my friends!

(from Shinkansen)

(koharu's mother's elementary school)

I enjoyed walking to 寄居浜 with my friend—
through the pine forest.

