karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

walking downtown(1)

2012-03-12 12:18:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I joined ‘Green Road Walking Club’
and enjoyed walking downtown---


then we came to Ginza Chuo Street.

We walked along the street--- from 銀座1丁目
to 銀座8丁目
, We turned right and came
to the crossing of 内幸町.

We went into 日比谷公園 from 中幸門.

Hibiya Park was crowded. It seemed many events
had been arranged.

We had a late lunch near the pond.

At 2:46, we all offered a silent prayer for the victims
of the 3.11 Earthquake and tsunami disaster.

The crowded Hibiya Park became silent at that moment.

After our late lunch, we walked up through Hibiya Park.

Looking at government offices on the left, we walked to


At 東京国際フォーラム we said good bye.

It was already 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

We visited


I was happy to walk downtown.
I walked 22322 steps in a day.



(貨幣博物館 no cameras allowed)
