karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

hiking in Nishitama (4)

2011-09-12 12:09:00 | ノンジャンル
We took 里山コースon our return.

The mountain path was wet and slippery.
I thought I should have worn the trekking shoes.

We were going down to 岸bus stop on 青梅街道.

How nice to see かかし in the rice fields!

Then we came to 里山民家 in 武蔵村山市.

This old house was not destroyed at all by the
Great East Japan Earthquake, though the shook of
the major earthquake was felt there.


I really had a great day.

I walked 22375 steps in a day.

hiking in Nishitama (1)

2011-09-12 11:48:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I enjoyed hiking in Nishitama
with some of members of Green road Club.

Four gentlemen and ten ladies joined the hiking.

We gathered at Hagiyama St. on the Seibu Line
and went to Hakonegasaki St. on the JR Hachiko Line.

It was my first visit to Hakonegasaki.
It was my first time to take a 八高線 train.

First, we visited 円福寺.

Then, we went to 狭山池公園.
There were three big ponds.
It was Sunday and I saw many boys and girls running,
fishing or talking.

The next place we visited was 狭山神社.
We had to go up 100 old stone steps.
I prayed for everyone’s happiness.