karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

cluster amaryllis in Kinchakuda

2011-09-27 09:35:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday Ms.HK and I went to Kinchakuda in Hidaka City
to see 曼珠沙華, cluster amaryllis.

We changed our trains four times and arrived
at Koma Station.

Then we started to walk from the station.

On the way there were many vegetable stands
and I bought 里芋 and two bags of茗荷.

里芋 and a bag of 茗荷 were for my daughter's
family and a bag of 茗荷 for me.

This was Ms. HK-san’s first visit to 巾着田.

We were excited to see 曼珠沙華 at their best.

How beautiful!

The dictionary 広辞苑 says 曼珠沙華 means 天上の花.

(in front of Koma Station)

the Koma River(高麗川)