karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

koharu is my music teacher

2010-12-15 09:23:00 | ノンジャンル
koharu, my granddaughter, is in her fifth grade.

koharu has absolute pitch, I think.

When I practice the harmonica,
she always gives me some good advice.

Yesterday I practiced the song I'm going to play
on the harmonic at the mini-concert in January.

koharu said tapping out beat, "You are always
either slow or fast to start," though I thought
I was doing very well.

She also said, "Play the harmonica thinking of
the story you want to express."

Then I played 蛍の光 and 荒城の月on the harmonica
accompanied by her piano.

Next she played TV drama theme tunes on the piano
---龍馬伝, ゲゲゲの女房, and Q10.

She played 星に願いを on the piano too.

She loves music very much.

koharu and I had a good time in her music room.

Her mother came home from her work around 6 o'clock
and I came back to my apartment with a feeling of gratitude.

Thank you, koharu.

(in front of my apartment, this morning)