karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

community open college (9)

2010-12-19 19:10:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I had the 9th English lesson
at 'community open college 2010'.

The instructor was an American.
He told us about how to communicate in English.

He told us not to use Japanese.
He told us not use any dictionaries.

When we have a problem communicating in English,
what shall we do?

He told us to use gestures.
He told us to draw pictures.
He told us to use relative clauses, such as

*This is when......
*This is a place where......
*This is someone when.....
*This is something........

Anyway, I enjoyed the lesson very much.

After the lesson I called at koharu's house.
I was invited for しゃぶしゃぶ dinner.
And---I stayed the night at koharu's house.

How sweet to be with my family!