karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

blue skies in the rainy season

2010-06-17 14:26:00 | ノンジャンル
What a beautiful day!

I often stopped to watch the blue skies
on the way home from Harmonica Circle.

We are now in the rainy season.
According to the weather forecast, we will have
many rainy days from tomorrow.

Yesterday I went to Tachikawa Cinema and watched
a movie--Sex and the City 2.
Many people were talking about the movie, so I decided
to go and see the movie.

I was surprised to find the theatre was full of ladies!
Yes, it was Wednesday--Ladies' Movie Day.
Oh, no. Was it because the movie was so well known?

To tell the truth I did not have any information about the movie.
I did not see the movie Sex and the City 1, nor did I see
any of its series on TV screen.

The movie was about four New York professional women.
The movie was a comedy.
The movie was fun.

I enjoyed their fashion.
I saw those skyscrapers in New York and wanted to visit the city
some day. I've never been to America.
I understood what they were talking about their way of life.

But I felt very sorry that those four ladies were not very polite
to Arab culture. Is it all allowed in a movie?