karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

my first visit in 2010 to Showa Kinen Park

2010-06-01 09:38:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday Mrs. M and I visited Showa Kinen Park.

We met at 11:00 at the entrance of Isetan Department Store
in Tachikawa.

After having lunch at a restaurant in Isetan Department
then walked to Showa Kinen Park.

I was surprised to find that there was a new Park Entrance Fee
system for the aged.

People of over 65 have only to pay 200 yen--half of what I
used to pay. This system has just started.

Mrs. M and I talked a lot about life--how to live, how to care
of the older people or about her first grandchild.

All the flowers but アグロステンマ have gone in Showa Kinen Park.

The season of fresh green has come in Showa Kinen Park.

I walked 19709 steps yesterday.