karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Arab Republic of Egypt (2)

2010-04-01 23:36:00 | ノンジャンル
World Heritage Site--three pyramids in Gizeh

After breakfast we boarded our sightseeing bus
and went to see three pyramids of Cheops,
Chephren and Micerinus.

How could they build such huge pyramids?
How did the work go on?


I went into the pyramid of Cheops
and climbed steep stairs to the top.

This is karin who is excited.

Arab Republic of Egypt (1)

2010-04-01 22:57:00 | ノンジャンル
On March 23, I stayed at Hotel Nikko Narita.
I still had a slight cold and was feeling uneasy.

On the morning of March 24, I decided to join
the package tour to Egypt.
I hurried to Narita Airport.

40 people joined the tour! A big group!
Egypt seemed to be a fascinating country.

There was some delay in the direct flight of Egypt Air.
It took about 15 hours from Narita to Cairo!
Turbulence struck the plane.
I could not sleep at all.

We reached Cairo at 10:30 p.m. local time.
We boarded a bus and arrived at a hotel at midnight.
It was a cottage type room.
I went to bed as soon as possible but could not sleep.

(my room at a hotel in Cairo)

The next morning I found the hotel was a wonderful one.
I almost lost my way when I went to a restaurant
to have breakfast.

Wow! I was in Egypt!