karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to Mt Hiwada in Okumusashi (1)

2010-04-25 22:20:00 | ノンジャンル
I woke up at six this morning.
I got up at seven.
Wow! What a bright spring day!

I decided to go hiking to Mt. Hiwada alone.
Mt. Hiwada is 305 meters high.

koharu is going for an excursion to Kinchakuda
and Mt. Hiwada in May.

Yes, I did a dry run of her school excursion.

Kinchakuda is famous for its higan-bana.
koharu will have lunch there.

The top of the mountain is too small
for 120 students to eat lunch.

They will climb Mt. Hiwada first and go down
to Kinchakuda.

I hope koharu will enjoy her first mountain climbing.

I transferred four times and arrived at Koma Station.

I decided to go up Onna-saka here.

view of Kinchakuda from the Torii of Kompira-jinja.

Do you see Mt. Fuji? I did.

I went up toward the top.