karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

happy Saturday

2008-03-22 15:32:23 | ノンジャンル
What a lovely day!
What a beautiful sky!
What a happy day!

I am going to my daughter's to celebrate
my grandson's 14th birthday---
with a birthday cake I ordered for him.

He is koharu's brother.
He is older than koharu by six years.

koharu learns by imitating her brother.
koharu is proud of him as a brother.

By the way---
I'm going to join a tour of England.
I'll leave my apartment on Tuesday.

Visiting the Lake District National Park in England
has for many years been one of my cherished dreams.

I'd like to stand where William Wordsworth was born
and wrote such beautiful poems as "Daffodils" or
"We Are Seven."

I learned those poems when I was a senior high school

Anyway I hope everything will be all right with me
-- all by myself.

(someone tramped these flowers)