karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

final adieu to Mrs. K

2008-03-10 23:41:05 | ノンジャンル
The landlady, owner of my apartment, died a sudden death,
the day before yesterday.

She came to Tokyo and began to live in her own apartment
last summer.

She lived alone next door to me. Her son lives upstairs.

She liked gardening very much. When I saw her doing some
gardening, I went outside and we often enjoyed chatting.

Her sudden death shocked me and made me sad.
Her son found her dead in bed on the morning of March 8.

When I talked to her just on the day before her sudden death,
she was quite all right. She said that she wanted to be much
stronger mentally.

No one can tell what will happen tomorrow.
No, tomorrow may not come.
Let's not put off till tomorrow what we can do today.

Please rest in peace, Mrs. K.
Do you know how much I miss you?

(at 5 p.m. today )