karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Friday English Club

2006-06-24 10:56:20 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday I had a good time speaking poor English at Friday
English Club in the community center. Nine members were present.
This club is named 'Mrs. English,' and all members are ladies.

We talked about the topics that should never be said in English
when we first met. Our American teacher asked us whether those
topics were impolite or not in Japan.

a short list of taboos

You've put on weight.
Oh, you're pregnant!
Is this your daughter?
That color doesn't suit you.
How much money do you make?
You look sick.
How old are you?

As for the age, I remember a Chinese lady who told me that it
was a very important thing to talk about age in China. "It's
because the aged people are respected in China," she said to me.

Then she continued, "I made a Japanese lady angry by asking her
how old she was. I forgot the famous saying 'When in Rome, do as
the Romans do.' "

It is important to know other countries' culture.

(zucchini is growing)