karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

joy and inspiration

2006-06-12 15:21:23 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday was a very special day for me.
chiecom-san, tarumi-san and I attended our blog friend Anjuna-
san's live concert in a live house APIA in Shibuya.

His concert was given after an interval of five years! He wrote
both words and music and he sang by himself as he was playing the
guitar. His words were full of love and thanks. His music was
so beautiful.

We four are blog friends. We always talk on our web log sites.
And we had never met before yesterday. But as soon as I saw
them, I felt as if we had been good friends for years.

You all made me feel the joy of life yesterday.
You all inspired in me a love for living.
Thank you, my dear friends.

(present---lucky ornament)

(APIA, live house)