

Sol908 Pahrump Hills でやることはやった!

2015-02-26 14:56:18 | MSL

2月25日のWhat'sNewによりますとCuriosityが"Telegraph Peak."でSol908にフルドリルを実施したとのことです。
上図は、MAHLI(Mars Hand Lens Imager)による画像です。
今回のドリルは、Sol882に"Mojave 2."で実施した新しいドリルの強弱を調整する方法でミニドリル無しで実施したことが特徴的です。
*「Sol882 "Mojave 2."でフルドリル実施」をご参照ください。
また、Pahrump Hills でのドリルによるサンプリングは、3回目となります。
Pahrump Hills でのサンプルは、それ以前のサンプルと比較して、アルミニウムとマグネシウムの量に対してシリコンに富んでいる傾向があります。
"Telegraph Peak."では、さらに今までの2ケ所よりその傾向が強いとのことです。
アルミニウムにマグネシウムとシリカに対するシリカの比率をグラフ化すると、この傾向が"Telegraph Peak."で終わりに近づいていることが分かるようです。

いよいよ、Pahrump Hills を離れて"Artist's Drive,"と名づけられた狭い谷を越えて、Sharp山に登る道へ向かうことになります。 

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2015-02-26 11:14:21 | MSL

Sol759(2014年9月24日)に「Confidence hills」、Sol882(2015年1月29日)に「Majave2」をフルドリルしました。
今後は、その先に見える「Telegraph Peak」でドリルする予定です。 

画像: Curiosityの画像は、Sol868(1月14日)、周りの地形は、Sol882(1月29日)、ドリルの穴は、Sol884(1月31日)撮影されたものです。


Sol903(2月19日)には、下図のとおりかなり「Telegraph Peak」に迫っているようです。


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2015-02-25 22:15:36 | MARS on EARTH


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Crew149_Report_2/21 引継ぎ前の報告です

2015-02-23 22:51:54 | MARS on EARTH

MDRS Crew 149
Paul Bakken
Commander Report







1 – Final clean up

2 – Transfer of command to Crew 150

3 – Crew 149 sign off 

Greetings Mission Support! 

Just a brief report today, due to the transition activities.

1 – Crew 149 completed all of the preparation for transition to Crew 150. In addition to cleaning the Hab from top to bottom, we policed the area around the Hab to dispose of wind-blown trash and other debris. As much of our baggage that could be packed ahead of time is waiting in the engineering airlock to be transferred into the ERV. Each crew member is ready to brief our counterparts from Crew 150 on typical crew position specific duties.

2 – As of the drafting of this report, Crew 150 had not yet appeared at the MDRS. Once they arrive, we will make certain that they receive general briefings on ATV use, Hab safety, EVA suit use and maintenance, and general systems operation in the Hab. We will also give them individual, one-to-one briefings from their position specific counterparts on our crew. Finally, we will make certain that their administrative paperwork is filled out, and we will post it in the mail once we leave the site.

3 – It has been a rewarding and productive two weeks on Mars for Crew 149. Our thanks to the Mars Society, MDRS staff, Mission Support, and all of the other volunteers who made our time at this facility possible. Crew 149 leaves the MDRS pleased with our accomplishments, and enthusiastic about might be done “next time.” 

Thanks for this wonderful opportunity. Crew 149, signing off! 

Respectfully submitted,


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MDRS天気予報 2/22 (MST) Crew150が21日(MST)早くに到着したようです

2015-02-22 20:40:40 | 気候・天気


気温は最高38F/3C 、最低23F/-5Cで、北の風13mph(6m/s)程の風が吹きそうです。

Time flies, the activities of Crew149 with Naganuma comes to an end today Sunday. Seeing pictures from MDRS, they have met fair weather during most of the period. Also they seemed to have an EVA with drone, looking forward to seeing the landscape taken above the ground. (Satellite picture on Feb 22 at 0000z, Feb 21 at 1700MST, showing cloudy around MDRS.)

Their final day, Feb 22 Sunday, is expected to snow due to active front over the south of Utah state, likely to last toward Monday with potential heavy snow. Temperatures Max38F/3C and Min23F/-5C with north wind 13mph(6m/s) are expected. Thank you.

By Yoh Mizumoto


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2015-02-22 11:08:01 | MARS on EARTH

MDRS Crew 149
Paul Bakken
Commander Report






3.Crew149のプロジェクト用材料のすべてが、地球に帰還するために、今、解体され、梱包されています。 HABは、とても空っぽに見えます!

4.昼食後、夕食まで、私たちは、HAB外での自由な活動をして個人的な時間を楽しみました。私はHABの北の州立公園を見に小グループで行きました。GerardiさんとSchreuersさんは、彼らが取り組んできた映像の最後の仕上げをしました。SullivanさんとNicoletatosさんは、Sentinel Hillへの2時間の遠征を行いました。

5.私たちは、また、Bull Mountain Markeへ各Crewのために新たな納入食品を取りに行く機会がありました。そして、個々のCrewの箱にそれらを配布しました。うまくいけば、これは、CrewからCrewへの追跡をするため全体的な食品利用が容易になります。

6.今夜、私たちは、「Crew149」として一緒に集い、最後の夕食や打ち解けた時間を楽しむ時間をもてるでしょう。私は、a round of Settlers of Catanが良いという声を聞きました。そして、レンズ豆スープが出されました。それは、一度食べたことがありますが、今回もおいしかったです。私が40代半ばまでレンズ豆を食べたことがなかったということを皆さんは、信じられますか?火星で学んだ事のひとつ...


Crew 149 woke up this morning and exited Sim. After breakfast, the first thing that everyone did was find some excuse that made it necessary to wander outside for a bit. The fresh air and wind felt good.

1 – Crew 149 has finished our support of previous crew projects. Crew member Schreurs will transmit the GreenHab use data to Cdr. Poulet from Crew 148, and will pass the information on continuing the data collection to Crew 150.

2 – Crew member Nicoletatos moved selected plants from our regolith growth study to the new grow tent. The remainder of the plants were culled, measured, and the regolith growth medium recovered.

We will brief Crew 150 on the proper care of the plants and how to do the data collection for the study. We are excited that the next four crews have agreed to support our project!

3 – All of Crew 149's project materials have now been broken down and packed up for transit back to Earth. The Hab looks so empty!

4 – After lunch, and until supper, crew members enjoyed personal time to pursue activities outside the Hab. I led a small group to see the State Park to the North of the Hab. Crew members Gerardi and Schreuers put the final touches on a video they have been working on. Crew members Sullivan and Nicoletatos mounted a two-hour expedition to Sentinel Hill.

5 – We also had a chance to take the newly delivered food items for each crew to Bull Mountain Market and distributed them into the individual crew boxes. Hopefully, this will make overall food usage easier to track from crew to crew.

6 – Tonight, we will take some time to enjoy our last evening meal and social hour together as “Crew 149.” I hear that a round of Settlers of Catan is in order, and that we are having lentil soup, which we had once before and was delicious. Can you believe that I am in my mid-40's and had never tried lentils before? The things one learns on Mars...

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2015-02-21 23:44:18 | MARS on EARTH

MDRS Crew 149
Paul Bakken
Commander Report











Another rosy day on Mars today. We wrapped up a number of loose ends, performed some facilities support for the MDRS, and continued our preparations for the transition to Crew 150.

1 – Crew 149 is winding up our cross crew support of previous crew's projects and preparing to hand over responsibility to Crew 150.

2 – For the entire morning, crew member Miscodan and I worked in and around the GreenHab to tear out abandoned utility service wires and tubes, properly terminate them, and label each line. Our goal was to render the structure safe for Crew 150's scheduled demolition project. We wish them the best in the removal of the rest of the structure. It is sad to see the old GreenHab go, but its removal will make room for something new.

3 – Immediately after lunch, I went on EVA, accompanied by crew member Nicoletatos acting as videographer, to conduct the third and final phase of the EVA construction techniques experiment. This phase of the project turned out to be the quickest. The rebar posts and compression collar fittings were extremely fast and easy to set up and then tear down. Out of all of our construction experiments, this one performed the best. The entire assembly can be managed with gross motor function, which is beneficial when on EVA with thick gloves.

4 – Later in the afternoon, crew member Naganuma and I performed the final geological resources survey EVA. We used the ATV rovers, and resticted the search to those areas along the roads. The justification is that the resources along the roads are the most likely to be easily exploitable. We ranged approximately 1.5 km both North and South of the Hab. We were fortunate in that we found at least one solid deposit of each of the resources for which I was looking. These resources should prove to be very useful for future refit mission at the MDRS that require cobbles, pavers, pea gravel, paver sand, and fine sweeping sand.

5 – While crew member Naganuma and I were out on the geological EVA, crew member Nicoletatos began a series of chemical analyses of the regolith growth medium that we are using for our hops, sorghum, and potatoes. The analyses should be completed later tomorrow, but the noticeable trend so far is that the regolith is deficient in Nitrogen. Our study plants are off to a great start, but the regolith should be amended to add Nitrogen if one desires long-term growth and maturation.

6 – Crew 149 has decided to officially leave Sim tomorrow morning. We will spend most of Friday preparing for the arrival of Crew 150, but also hope to visit the State park to the North of the Hab.

We have pretty much wrapped up our own projects for this rotation at the MDRS. Our focus going forward will be to pass the torch to Crew 150 and ensure their success, too!

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Crew149_Report_2/18 そろそろ店じまいの潮時です。

2015-02-20 14:14:24 | MARS on EARTH

MDRS Crew 149
Paul Bakken
Commander Report

Greetings Mission Support!



3.私たちは、Dr. Hunterから依頼されたHAB内の食品の在庫調べを完了しました。出来れば、ミッションすポートが後続のCrewの利益のため、これらの補給方法を役立てることを希望します。

4.Sullivanさんは、今日「mid rotation」Crewビデオを完成させました。私たちが非常に狭いデータパイプを通してそれを押し出す方法を見つけ出せたら、それを公開します。




1 – Cross crew support
2 – Writing and pre-packing
3 – Food inventory
4 – Mid-rotation video
5 – Hab PMCS
6 – Delayed EVA
Greetings Mission Support!
1 – We continue to support the two projects initiated by previous crews. We are collecting the requested data and will forward the results to the principal investigator for each study.
2 – The members of Crew 149 collectively decided to make this a “research report” and “move out day” prep day. The crew worked on individual reports for their projects, while I cleared all of Crew 149’s stored materials out of the GreenHab. We pre-packed many of our other items to help make the transition to Crew 150 go more smoothly.
3 – We completed the Hab food inventory requested by Dr. Hunter. Hopefully, this will help mission support track these resources for the benefit of follow-on crews.
4 – Crew member Sullivan completed the “mid rotation” crew video today. If we figure out a way to push it through our very narrow data pipe, we will do so.
5 – I performed a general walk around of the exterior of the Hab and GreenHab while on engineering EVA, and inspected the interior of both structures, too. I noted a few Preventative Maintenance and Corrective Service items that require attention. I have a forwarded these items to mission support under separate cover.
6 – We delayed our follow up Geological resource survey EVA until tomorrow. We will most likely go out on EVA in the morning, before the mid-day heat, to accomplish this task.
It seems odd that, now that Crew 149 has finally found its stride, it is almost time to depart. We have learned a lot about the basic everyday requirements of living in an Isolated, Confined, and Extreme environment. Perhaps we may have the opportunity to return to Mars someday and continue the work that we started during this rotation.
Respectfully submitted,
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MDRS天気予報 2/19 (MST)

2015-02-20 00:24:40 | 気候・天気




Weather in MDRS keeps going on as expected. Settled weather to hold till Friday afternoon but cloudy evening then rain/snow through Saturday due to front passing.
Expected temperatures Max 58F/14C and Min 23F/-5C, and westerly wind with 15mph(7m/s) on Friday.

Red line on the figure shows the temperature past a week observed at Hanksville, near MDRS.
Max temps well agreed with expectations, though some Mins much colder.
Thank you.

By Yoh Mizumoto


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2015-02-19 00:02:14 | MARS on EARTH

MDRS Crew 149
Paul Bakken
Commander Report


Greetings Mission Support!


2.私たちの一日の大半は、一時的なCrew、Karl Pilkingtonさんの訪問受け入れに費やされました。私たちは、PilkingtonさんをHABシステム、プロトコル、およびメンテナンスについて訓練しました。Pilkingtonさんは、また通信信号をテストするために、“Sentinel Hill”と呼ぶ丘の頂上に行くその日の主要なEVAに参加しました。 (詳細は、EVA149-10レポートにて。)すべてにおいて、これは非常に成功した訪問でした。そして、私たちは、彼との同行を楽しみました。

3.私たちは、the ozone laundering systemの第三回目で、おそらく最後になるテストを実施しました。今日来た一時的なCrewは、この装置が靴下のひどい臭いを如何に軽減するかをコントロールと比較して心地良く驚きました。Crewを尊重して、私は、研究に使った靴下の提供者を明かすことはありません。


5.私たちは、地質資源の追跡調査EVAを明日予定しています。Crewが朝に休みが十分かどう感じるか応じて、このEVAを次の日に遅らせることを選択できます。Crew149は、すでにギアをシフトし始めています- 私たちは、完了しているプロジェクトを梱包しており、研究の残りの部分の仕上げにかかっています。

ここTharsis Quadrangleで満足の一日でした。ここでの私たちの時間が短くなっているので、私たちは、残りのそれぞれの日を最大限の結果を得るための努力を再倍増しています。


1 – Cross crew support
2 – BBC visit
3 – Ozone machine trial #3
4 – Food test at lunch
5 – Plan for tomorrow

Greetings Mission Support!

1 – We continue to support the two projects still in the Hab that were initiated by previous crews. When we receive instructions, we will harvest and measure Cyprien’s experimental crops.

2 – The majority of our day was spent accommodating a visit by a temporary crew member, Karl Pilkington. We trained Mr. Pilkington on Hab systems, protocol, and maintenance. Mr. Pilkington also participated in the day’s key EVA to the summit of what our crew calls “Sentinel Hill” to test comms signals. (More details in EVA 149-10 report.) In all, this was a very successful visit, and we enjoyed his company.

3 – We conducted the third and likely final test of the ozone laundering system. Our temporary crew member was pleasantly surprised at how effective the device was, in comparison to the control method of just airing out, at mitigating the odor of a pair of particularly horrid socks. Out of respect for my crew, I will not identify the donor of the study socks.

4 – At lunch, we tested the palatability of US military MREs. Generally speaking, the crew opined that they are “not bad,” which is pretty good for food that is designed to survive and remain stable in sub-zero temperatures, jungle heat, and air drops from 10,000+ feet.

5 – We have a follow up Geological resource survey EVA scheduled for tomorrow. We may elect to delay this EVA until the following day, depending on how rested the crew feels in the morning. Crew 149 has begun to shift gears already – we are packing up projects that have been completed, and are winding up the remainder of our studies.                                    

It was a satisfying day here in the Tharsis Quadrangle. Our time here is growing short, so we have re-doubled our efforts to squeeze the most out of each remaining day. 

Respectfully submitted,

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2015-02-18 11:44:28 | MARS on EARTH

MDRS Crew 149
Paul Bakken
Commander Report



Cyprienさん(Crew142)の大根は健康そうです、そして、私たちはCrew148 CommanderのPouletさんのためにGreenHabタイプの生育に関するデータを収集し続けています。



4.Sullivanさん、Schreursさん、Miscodanさん、長沼さんと私の5人は、EVA構成技術をテストするために、HABの近くで拡大されたEVAを行いました。私たちは、Trapeziumフレームを分解し、部品を収納しました。私たちは、また、小さなgeodesic domeを建てて、サブコンポーネント組立時間の良好なデータを収集しました。コネクタのロックナットの3つのタイプの一つは、他のものよりはるかによく機能しました。それを私たちが将来のプロジェクトのために知ることは有用だと思います。全体的に、ドームは、素早く建てられて、今日の非常に強い風に頑強に耐えていました。

5.the ozone laundering machine の2回目の試験を今日実施しました。ジーンズ2本を合計3時間処理しました。エンジニアリングエアロックで残留オゾンを消散させた後、ジーンズは、全体的な臭いの強さと不快さを試験しました。Crewの総合的意見は、洗浄前よりもオゾン処理により不快さが減ったけれども、評価テストの時点では、オゾン特有のにおいがまだかすかに残っていたということです。





Here are the highlights of the day:

1 – We continue to support the two projects still in the Hab that were initiated by previous crews. Cyprien’s radishes are looking healthy, and we continue to collect data regarding GreenHab type activities for Crew 148 Cdr. Poulet.

2 – For first time since entering Sim, I can say that Comms are stable. Slow and a bit awkward to use in the current configuration, but stable. We anticipate using the current setup for the remainder of Sim.

3 – Today was crew member Gerardi’s birthday, so she became our second “Martian Princess for a Day.” She received her own Martian tiara and, yet again, crew member Sullivan produced a chocolate cake. I have raised my eyebrow at the amount of contraband that must have gone into the production of not one, but two, gourmet birthday cakes but since the results were delicious, I have decided to overlook the activities of the Martian Chocolate Smuggling Syndicate.

4 – Five personnel, crew members Sullivan, Schreurs, Miscodan Naganuma, and myself, performed an extended EVA in the vicinity of the Hab to test EVA construction techniques. We disassembled the Trapezium frame and stowed the components. We also erected the small geodesic dome and collected good data on sub-component assembly times. One of the three types of connector locking nut performed much better than the others, which we will be useful to know for future projects. Overall, the dome went up quickly and has been staunchly withstanding today’s unusually strong winds.

5 – The second methodical trial of the ozone laundering machine occurred today. Two pair of jeans were treated for a total of three hours. After allowing the residual ozone to dissipate in the engineering airlock, the jeans were tested for overall scent strength and offensiveness. The consensus of crew is that the ozone treatment rendered the jeans less offensive than before cleaning, but with a faint residue of the ozone “tang” still present at time of testing.

6 – The hops continue to thrive. The sorghum seeds planted in regolith are outperforming those planted in potting mix. Our crew is pleased with the results so far, as they indicate that the plants can at least germinate and establish themselves in a regolith growth matrix.

7 – Crew 149 has also made the necessary preparations to receive our temporary crew member tomorrow, including a deep cleaning of the Hab. We are all looking forward to the visit and being able to show a new face all of the projects that we have conducted while here at MDRS.

In all, we are pretty content here on Mars. Hope all is well on Earth, too!

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MDRS天気予報 2/17 (MST)

2015-02-18 00:25:40 | 気候・天気




19F/-7C temperature recorded at 0455MST in Hanksville, near the base MDRS.
Radiation cooling makes colder than forecast!

NOAA Satellite IR image on Feb 17 at 1130z (Feb 17 at 0430UTC) draws fine/fair weather over Utah state. This settled weather to continue till Friday but then clouds spread and some chance of rain on Saturday. Expected temperatures Max 62F/17C and Min 25F/-4C with weak easterly. Thank you.

By Yoh Mizumoto


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2015-02-17 22:48:22 | MARS on EARTH

MDRS Crew 149
Paul Bakken
Commander Report











Crew 149 awoke this morning to the smell of freshly baked cinnamon caramel rolls, in honor of crew member Miscodan’s 19th birthday (in Mars years). Having benefited from the rest of yesterday, the crew stepped up the operation tempo and accomplished the following today:

1 – We continue to support the two projects still in the Hab that were initiated by previous crews.

2 – After another disruption, we fell back to the last known good configuration of comms. Comms are currently slow, but stable.

3 – In light of the occasion of her birthday, I declared Crew member Miscodan to be a “Martian Princess for a Day.” She received a Martian tiara and, later on, crew member Sullivan somehow produced a delicious chocolate cake.

4 – Crew member Sullivan and I executed an extended engineering EVA to do the usual engineering tasks, but also to police up trash around the Hab area. It was very windy today, and a noticeable amount of debris blew into and about the area. It looked untidy, and if there is one thing that Crew 149 will not abide, it is untidy quarters. We also took this opportunity to tear down the outer shell of the Trapezium and pack up the plastic to be hauled away with the rest of the trash.

5 – The first methodical trial of the ozone laundering machine occurred today. My crew members were kind enough to lend me their odiferous socks for treatment and noses for evaluation. Pairs of socks were split into control and experimental groups. The control group was aired our in the engineering airlock. The experimental group received a three hour treatment in the ozone machine. Afterward, the socks were presented in random order to each of the crew to evaluate both strength and “unpleasantness” of the odor. This part of the study was blind to the evaluators, as they were not told whether the socks had been in the control group or experimental group. I am still collating the data, but a cursory analysis shows that the ozone treatment results in socks that are less offensive than just airing out.

It also just occurred to me that today my crew sat around a table smelling stinky socks for science. Surely the road to Mars will be paved with many such sacrifices.

6 – We submitted a batch request for EVAs during a period of comms stability last night. We are awaiting a response to determine the work plan for those days.

Overall, the crew is eager to be back to work on our various projects. I, too, am pleased to be able to pivot my attention back to my own projects and supporting those of my crew. But look at me: still taking when there’s science to do!

I will need to wrap up this report. The female members of Crew 149 have conspired to engage in (very loud) karaoke, and it is become difficult to concentrate. I have briefly considered mutiny but, since I’m in command, that wouldn’t accomplish much.

Perhaps if I feed them braided bread they will stop?

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Crew149_Report_2/14 有意義なお休みでした!

2015-02-17 20:41:27 | MARS on EARTH

MDRS Crew 149
Paul Bakken
Commander Report


Crew149は、特別な睡眠をとることで、「stand down日」を楽しみました。これは公式のプロジェクト活動の観点からは、低活性の日でしたが、この休憩は、好評でかつ必要でした。




 細かなことや大まかな結末は別にして、その日のメインイベントは、Cards Against Humanityの叙事詩セッションでした。暗いユーモアは、一緒にCrewを結び付ける共通の糸のようです。私の意見は、これは火星に入植しようとする者たちのための重要な生存形質であるということです。




Crew 149 enjoyed our designated “stand down” day by sleeping in for an extra hour. This was a low activity day in terms of official project activities, but the lower pace was well received and much needed.

Highlights of the day:

1 – We continue to support the two projects still in the Hab that were initiated by previous crews.

2 – We continue to work on improving comms. Comms are severely degraded at the moment, but Crew 149 will continue to work the issue.

3 – Crew 149 enjoyed a day of R&R. Extra sleep, followed by a breakfast of either cereal or cricket bars began the day. I opted for the cricket bars, and was pleasantly surprised to find that coconut lime cricket protein bars are tasty. They do stick to dental work, though.

Today was also Valentine's Day back on Earth. Each crew member got the opportunity to send a quick email to family and loved ones over our struggling comms channel. Each crew member also received a mysterious Valentine from Marvin the Martian.

Aside from catching up on small details and loose ends, the main event of the day was an epic session of Cards Against Humanity. The dark humor seems to be the common thread that ties our crew together. My opinion is that this is a key survival trait for those who would settle Mars.

We spent extra time preparing a special evening meal to close off the day. Ann-Sofie has made a French Onion Soup with sides. I made yet more braided bread, and also tried my hand at a heavily modified version of a family desert recipe: Martian Kringle. It is a sweet shortbread flavored with nutmeg and allspice.

4 – Sorghum seeds have sprouted! This is exciting, because the normal germination time is about 10 days. Yet, we have multiple seeds planted in regolith that have germinated after only 10 days. The control group seeds planted in regular soil have yet to sprout. The hops plants continue to thrive.

5 – Tomorrow, Crew 149 will step back into a more rigorous operations tempo. We expect to submit requests for an EVA for everyday M-F in the week to come.

日本火星協会 MDRSページ

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2015-02-17 17:21:12 | 火星大気

アマチュア天文愛好家がthe journal Natureに驚きの観測結果を報告しました。こちらこちら
Agustin Sanchez-Lavegaさんが報告書の筆頭著者です。
*Agustin Sanchez-Lavegaさん:the Universidad del Pas Vasco in Spain

その現象とは、南半球のTerra Cimmeriaの上空250kmあたりで南北500km、東西1,000kmにも広がるPlumeが観測されたことです。

(Terra Cimmeriaは、局地的で強力な磁場を持つ「帯状地」が存在することが、火星周回科学探査機による過去の観測で示唆されています。)

*Terra Cimmeria : 南緯34°、東経145°あたりです。Curiosityがいるところがだいたい南緯4°、東経137°あたりですので、南に30°下がった位置ですね。(約1,800km離れている)


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