


2015-02-17 22:48:22 | MARS on EARTH

MDRS Crew 149
Paul Bakken
Commander Report











Crew 149 awoke this morning to the smell of freshly baked cinnamon caramel rolls, in honor of crew member Miscodan’s 19th birthday (in Mars years). Having benefited from the rest of yesterday, the crew stepped up the operation tempo and accomplished the following today:

1 – We continue to support the two projects still in the Hab that were initiated by previous crews.

2 – After another disruption, we fell back to the last known good configuration of comms. Comms are currently slow, but stable.

3 – In light of the occasion of her birthday, I declared Crew member Miscodan to be a “Martian Princess for a Day.” She received a Martian tiara and, later on, crew member Sullivan somehow produced a delicious chocolate cake.

4 – Crew member Sullivan and I executed an extended engineering EVA to do the usual engineering tasks, but also to police up trash around the Hab area. It was very windy today, and a noticeable amount of debris blew into and about the area. It looked untidy, and if there is one thing that Crew 149 will not abide, it is untidy quarters. We also took this opportunity to tear down the outer shell of the Trapezium and pack up the plastic to be hauled away with the rest of the trash.

5 – The first methodical trial of the ozone laundering machine occurred today. My crew members were kind enough to lend me their odiferous socks for treatment and noses for evaluation. Pairs of socks were split into control and experimental groups. The control group was aired our in the engineering airlock. The experimental group received a three hour treatment in the ozone machine. Afterward, the socks were presented in random order to each of the crew to evaluate both strength and “unpleasantness” of the odor. This part of the study was blind to the evaluators, as they were not told whether the socks had been in the control group or experimental group. I am still collating the data, but a cursory analysis shows that the ozone treatment results in socks that are less offensive than just airing out.

It also just occurred to me that today my crew sat around a table smelling stinky socks for science. Surely the road to Mars will be paved with many such sacrifices.

6 – We submitted a batch request for EVAs during a period of comms stability last night. We are awaiting a response to determine the work plan for those days.

Overall, the crew is eager to be back to work on our various projects. I, too, am pleased to be able to pivot my attention back to my own projects and supporting those of my crew. But look at me: still taking when there’s science to do!

I will need to wrap up this report. The female members of Crew 149 have conspired to engage in (very loud) karaoke, and it is become difficult to concentrate. I have briefly considered mutiny but, since I’m in command, that wouldn’t accomplish much.

Perhaps if I feed them braided bread they will stop?

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Crew149_Report_2/14 有意義なお休みでした!

2015-02-17 20:41:27 | MARS on EARTH

MDRS Crew 149
Paul Bakken
Commander Report


Crew149は、特別な睡眠をとることで、「stand down日」を楽しみました。これは公式のプロジェクト活動の観点からは、低活性の日でしたが、この休憩は、好評でかつ必要でした。




 細かなことや大まかな結末は別にして、その日のメインイベントは、Cards Against Humanityの叙事詩セッションでした。暗いユーモアは、一緒にCrewを結び付ける共通の糸のようです。私の意見は、これは火星に入植しようとする者たちのための重要な生存形質であるということです。




Crew 149 enjoyed our designated “stand down” day by sleeping in for an extra hour. This was a low activity day in terms of official project activities, but the lower pace was well received and much needed.

Highlights of the day:

1 – We continue to support the two projects still in the Hab that were initiated by previous crews.

2 – We continue to work on improving comms. Comms are severely degraded at the moment, but Crew 149 will continue to work the issue.

3 – Crew 149 enjoyed a day of R&R. Extra sleep, followed by a breakfast of either cereal or cricket bars began the day. I opted for the cricket bars, and was pleasantly surprised to find that coconut lime cricket protein bars are tasty. They do stick to dental work, though.

Today was also Valentine's Day back on Earth. Each crew member got the opportunity to send a quick email to family and loved ones over our struggling comms channel. Each crew member also received a mysterious Valentine from Marvin the Martian.

Aside from catching up on small details and loose ends, the main event of the day was an epic session of Cards Against Humanity. The dark humor seems to be the common thread that ties our crew together. My opinion is that this is a key survival trait for those who would settle Mars.

We spent extra time preparing a special evening meal to close off the day. Ann-Sofie has made a French Onion Soup with sides. I made yet more braided bread, and also tried my hand at a heavily modified version of a family desert recipe: Martian Kringle. It is a sweet shortbread flavored with nutmeg and allspice.

4 – Sorghum seeds have sprouted! This is exciting, because the normal germination time is about 10 days. Yet, we have multiple seeds planted in regolith that have germinated after only 10 days. The control group seeds planted in regular soil have yet to sprout. The hops plants continue to thrive.

5 – Tomorrow, Crew 149 will step back into a more rigorous operations tempo. We expect to submit requests for an EVA for everyday M-F in the week to come.

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2015-02-17 17:21:12 | 火星大気

アマチュア天文愛好家がthe journal Natureに驚きの観測結果を報告しました。こちらこちら
Agustin Sanchez-Lavegaさんが報告書の筆頭著者です。
*Agustin Sanchez-Lavegaさん:the Universidad del Pas Vasco in Spain

その現象とは、南半球のTerra Cimmeriaの上空250kmあたりで南北500km、東西1,000kmにも広がるPlumeが観測されたことです。

(Terra Cimmeriaは、局地的で強力な磁場を持つ「帯状地」が存在することが、火星周回科学探査機による過去の観測で示唆されています。)

*Terra Cimmeria : 南緯34°、東経145°あたりです。Curiosityがいるところがだいたい南緯4°、東経137°あたりですので、南に30°下がった位置ですね。(約1,800km離れている)


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