


2015-02-18 11:44:28 | MARS on EARTH

MDRS Crew 149
Paul Bakken
Commander Report



Cyprienさん(Crew142)の大根は健康そうです、そして、私たちはCrew148 CommanderのPouletさんのためにGreenHabタイプの生育に関するデータを収集し続けています。



4.Sullivanさん、Schreursさん、Miscodanさん、長沼さんと私の5人は、EVA構成技術をテストするために、HABの近くで拡大されたEVAを行いました。私たちは、Trapeziumフレームを分解し、部品を収納しました。私たちは、また、小さなgeodesic domeを建てて、サブコンポーネント組立時間の良好なデータを収集しました。コネクタのロックナットの3つのタイプの一つは、他のものよりはるかによく機能しました。それを私たちが将来のプロジェクトのために知ることは有用だと思います。全体的に、ドームは、素早く建てられて、今日の非常に強い風に頑強に耐えていました。

5.the ozone laundering machine の2回目の試験を今日実施しました。ジーンズ2本を合計3時間処理しました。エンジニアリングエアロックで残留オゾンを消散させた後、ジーンズは、全体的な臭いの強さと不快さを試験しました。Crewの総合的意見は、洗浄前よりもオゾン処理により不快さが減ったけれども、評価テストの時点では、オゾン特有のにおいがまだかすかに残っていたということです。





Here are the highlights of the day:

1 – We continue to support the two projects still in the Hab that were initiated by previous crews. Cyprien’s radishes are looking healthy, and we continue to collect data regarding GreenHab type activities for Crew 148 Cdr. Poulet.

2 – For first time since entering Sim, I can say that Comms are stable. Slow and a bit awkward to use in the current configuration, but stable. We anticipate using the current setup for the remainder of Sim.

3 – Today was crew member Gerardi’s birthday, so she became our second “Martian Princess for a Day.” She received her own Martian tiara and, yet again, crew member Sullivan produced a chocolate cake. I have raised my eyebrow at the amount of contraband that must have gone into the production of not one, but two, gourmet birthday cakes but since the results were delicious, I have decided to overlook the activities of the Martian Chocolate Smuggling Syndicate.

4 – Five personnel, crew members Sullivan, Schreurs, Miscodan Naganuma, and myself, performed an extended EVA in the vicinity of the Hab to test EVA construction techniques. We disassembled the Trapezium frame and stowed the components. We also erected the small geodesic dome and collected good data on sub-component assembly times. One of the three types of connector locking nut performed much better than the others, which we will be useful to know for future projects. Overall, the dome went up quickly and has been staunchly withstanding today’s unusually strong winds.

5 – The second methodical trial of the ozone laundering machine occurred today. Two pair of jeans were treated for a total of three hours. After allowing the residual ozone to dissipate in the engineering airlock, the jeans were tested for overall scent strength and offensiveness. The consensus of crew is that the ozone treatment rendered the jeans less offensive than before cleaning, but with a faint residue of the ozone “tang” still present at time of testing.

6 – The hops continue to thrive. The sorghum seeds planted in regolith are outperforming those planted in potting mix. Our crew is pleased with the results so far, as they indicate that the plants can at least germinate and establish themselves in a regolith growth matrix.

7 – Crew 149 has also made the necessary preparations to receive our temporary crew member tomorrow, including a deep cleaning of the Hab. We are all looking forward to the visit and being able to show a new face all of the projects that we have conducted while here at MDRS.

In all, we are pretty content here on Mars. Hope all is well on Earth, too!

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MDRS天気予報 2/17 (MST)

2015-02-18 00:25:40 | 気候・天気




19F/-7C temperature recorded at 0455MST in Hanksville, near the base MDRS.
Radiation cooling makes colder than forecast!

NOAA Satellite IR image on Feb 17 at 1130z (Feb 17 at 0430UTC) draws fine/fair weather over Utah state. This settled weather to continue till Friday but then clouds spread and some chance of rain on Saturday. Expected temperatures Max 62F/17C and Min 25F/-4C with weak easterly. Thank you.

By Yoh Mizumoto


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