

スイス 銀行の守秘義務2

2009-07-10 07:10:25 | 金融

Swiss Vow to Block UBS From Providing Data to U.S.

The Swiss government said Wednesday that it was prepared to seize U.B.S. client data rather than allow the bank to hand it over to the United States to settle a tax case.


Switzerland makes it perfectly clear that Swiss law prohibits U.B.S. from complying with a possible order by the court in Miami to hand over the client information,” the Swiss Department of Justice and Police said Wednesday in a statement on its Web site, a day after it made a filing to the same effect in the U.S. District Court in Miami. Therefore, “all the necessary measures should be taken to prevent U.B.S. from handing over the information on the 52,000 account holders demanded in the U.S. civil proceeding,” it added.


Switzerland distinguishes between tax fraud and tax evasion, and does not consider tax evasion to be a crime.


The Swiss agreed in March to abide by Article 26 of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s tax convention, which requires national tax authorities to exchange information on request if there is probable cause to suspect tax evasion. But the government has also said that it “has no intention of relinquishing bank secrecy.”



