karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on Oct. 31, Saturday

2020-10-31 13:21:00 | ノンジャンル
What a beautiful day!

Not a cloud is to be seen in the sky.

I know grammatically speaking
this is a very old expression,
but I like this expression very much,
which I learned when I was a junior high

The sky is so blue!
Looking up at the sky makes me happy.


Time really flies!
It's the last day of October.

I can't believe the New Year will come
in two months.

How have I been doing so far?
Each day went as usual with me.

But I've been always worrying about
the new coronavirus pandemic,I'm afraid.

I've been nervous.
I've been frustrated.

But I'll try to live with bright hopes.

(in the neighborhood)