karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Here's to 2019.

2019-01-01 23:11:00 | ノンジャンル
The new year has come!

How did you see the old year out
and the new year in?

I went to my daughter's
and stayed with her family,
enjoying the TV program

I went to bed without listening
the New Year's bells. 除夜の鐘

In the morning, we had the osechi 御節 
and zoni 雑煮 made by
my daughter and her husband.

It made me happy to see them
cooking together in the kitchen.

In the afternoon I visited
our local shrine 熊野宮.

The shrine was crowded
with many visitors.

I waited about one and a half hours
to pray before the main shrine.

On my way back to my apartment
I saw 綿の花.

I remembered 綿の花 blooming
in front of the hotel
where I stayed in Wien.

Oh, what a fond memory!