karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

the summer 2018

2018-09-06 19:43:00 | ノンジャンル
It's September 6.

We are still in summer, not autumn.

The summer heat is still strong
even in September.

The summer 2018 is the most severe one
I've ever experienced.

The heat has been strong
since the rainy season was over.

Many people had heatstroke and were taken
to hospital by ambulance.

They had a torrential rain in western Japan.
About 200 people lost their lives.
Many people still live at inconvenient
evacuation sites.

On September 4, Typhoon No.21 hit Kinki
and Shikoku regions of Western Japan,
and Tokai and Hokuriku regions.

It was a very powerful typhoon.
It brought heavy rain, strong winds
or exceptionally high tide.

A tanker crashed into bridge
near Kansai Airport
and Kansai Airport is almost isolated.

The typhoon caused wide spread damage.

And early this morning
M.6.7 earthquake hit Hokkaido.

It caused a blackout almost all places
in Hokkaido.
It caused landslides here and there
in Hokkaido.

A large number of people are now
at a loss what to do, I’m afraid.

I can’t find words to encourage them.

I pray for No More disasters!

(this morning)

(written at 2:00p.m. on Sep.6)