karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

today's sky

2015-10-07 22:57:00 | ノンジャンル
(at 3:30 p.m. today)

Not a cloud was to be seen in the sky.

This is an English sentence I learned
in my high school English grammar class.

Oh, I was as young as koharu, my granddaughter.
I liked English best of all subjects.
What subject do you like best, koharu?

(at 5:20 p.m. today)

Oh, I remember the days when I was a little girl
and was walking with my mother hand in hand.

I was singing a song 夕焼け小焼け in a small voice.

夕焼け 小焼けで 日が暮れて
山のお寺の 鐘がなる
おててつないで みなかえろう
からすと いっしょに かえりましょ

What a crisp autumn!


2015-10-06 10:30:00 | ノンジャンル
Last evening it was reported that
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2015
was awarded to three scientists.

I was excited to know one of them was a Japanese scientist,
Prof. Satoshi Omura at Kitasato University.

I was greatly touched by his way of life.

He was a teacher at a certain night high school
and was encouraged by those students who came to
school to study after working hard in the daytime.

He decided to study much harder not to win a prize
but to make himself useful---to contribute to society.

His discovery of microbes (I'm sorry I do not know
the details.) has been helping hundreds of millions
of people every year.

Congratulations, Professor Omura.
Thank you, Professor Omura.
We are proud of you, Professor Omura.

Sweets and Table Art by 今田美奈子

2015-10-04 22:46:00 | ノンジャンル
Today MN-san and I went to an exhibition held at
Shinjuku Takashimaya Department Store.

It was the exhibition of Minako Imada’s world
of European traditional sweets and table settings
and manners.

Minako Imada’s world was so beautiful.
It was a fairyland not only for children but also
for us adults. (No cameras allowed.)

Visit the following site, if you please.

My friend, MN-san, enjoys cooking very much.
She is good at making or baking cakes.
She has a book written by Minako Imada.
She bought it about 20 years ago, she said.

Oh, I’ve never heard of her name 今田美奈子!
Today I found a very nice book of hers
and I bought it—「名作の中のお菓子物語」.
I like 葉 祥明’s paintings in the book too.

(a recipe for a baked apple)

She gave me her autograph.

Today's lunch we had was too substantial.

(French toast with chocolates, bananas and ice cream)

今田美奈子-san was born in 1935.
In 2003 she was awarded 芸術文化勲章 by France.

It's really nice to have something special
in our daily life.

MN-san and I had a very good special time
in Shinjuku.