karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing


2007-11-22 13:35:19 | ノンジャンル
Every Thursday I enjoy playing the harmonica
at a community center.

Every other week a famous teacher comes
and teaches us how to play the harmonica much better.
I love playing the harmonica, though I am not a good player.

By the way, do you know "ko-tei(emperor) daria", "Tree Dahlia"?
It is a very tall tree, taller than a roof of the house.

On the way to the community center, I saw the flower.
It was very beautiful against the blue sky.

I didn't know the name of the tree and asked a gentleman
who was passing by. He told me it was "ko-tei daria".

I do love "ko-tei daria"

On the way home, I enjoyed taking pictures.

(ko-tei daria)



Amaryllis Ensemble

2007-11-19 09:02:05 | ノンジャンル
koharu's parents are members of a band named
Amaryllis Ensemble.

They gave an annual autumn concert on November 17.

I attended the concerts with my grandchildren,
koharu and her brother.

Both of them love music as I often write here.

Koharu got up very early that morning
and so I expected she would fall asleep during
the late evening concert.

To my surprise, she was making notes of all music
she was enjoying.

koharu's father played the soprano saxophone.
koharu's mother played the alto saxophone.

I enjoyed their beautiful music on my birthday.

to Mt. Kagenobu-yama (1)

2007-11-14 22:36:00 | ノンジャンル
Lovely weather today brought Ms. Y and me
to Mt. Kagenobu-yama. It is 727 meters high.

I was not sure of the way to the top
of Mt. Kagenobu-yama.

How relieved I felt when I found the sign
which showed us that we were going up the right hill.

On the way we looked down at Hachiouji City.
We could not see Mt. Fuji at the top.
We saw the beautiful mountains against the blue sky.