karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on May 3, 2021

2021-05-03 23:04:00 | ノンジャンル
Today I happened to hear an English song
on the radio---they were playing a song
from my teens!

The song was “Diana” by Paul Anka.
Do you know the song Diana?
Do you know the singer Paul Anka?

Oh, what a fond memory!

I long for the days gone by---
the days when I was a high school girl
who liked English best of all subjects.

English was a wide-open window to the world.

My English teacher taught us some English songs.
One of them was “Diana” by Paul Anka.
I still remember the first verse of the song.

I'm so young and you're so old
This, my darling, I've been told
I don't care just what they say
'Cause forever I will pray
You and I will be as free
As the birds up in the trees
Oh, please stay by me, Diana

I don't remember why he taught us“Diana.”
