karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

on May 8, 2021

2021-05-08 21:57:00 | ノンジャンル
There's no change in my daily life.

There's neither surprise nor event
in my daily routine.

This means I live a peaceful life.

But I'm not quite satisfied, I'm afraid.

I feel something lacking.

Why? I'm sorry I don't know.


I took a picture of white clovers
in the neighborhood today.

White clovers remind me of those days
when I looked for four-leaf clovers with my friends.

There were a lot of clovers growing in the yard
of our school---elementary school.

Oh, what a wonderful time we had making
beautiful necklaces with those white flowers!

We talked and laughed a lot.

We were all dreaming of bright future.

What kind of life
have you lived so far,

I hope you are happy
and enjoying your life.