karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

a happy surprise

2018-04-27 20:23:00 | ノンジャンル
A little before noon,
when I was eating lunch,
the doorbell rang.

I rarely have visitors. Who is it?

I hurried to the door and saw Mrs. Miya
standing there with a paper glass
of little flowers.

Oh, I remember her bringing to me
lovely flowers last spring.

We have been good friends since then.

But we have had very few chances
to meet or to talk together.

Mrs. Miya is an active 71-year-old lady,
She is very busy every day.

She likes taking care of plants
and belongs to the Gardening Club
in the community.

She belongs to a few more clubs
and makes herself busy,
because she feels lonely
when she is at home alone, she says.

What a lovely present!

These little flowers made me so happy.

Thank you so much
for your kind consideration,
Mrs. Miya.