karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum

2018-04-15 14:16:00 | ノンジャンル
Yesterday was the opening day of
プーシキン美術館展 at 東京都美術館
in Ueno.

It is the exhibition of Masterpieces
of French Landscape Paintings
from The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts,
Moscow, Russia.

I enjoyed the exhibition with Mrs. M.

We enjoyed 65 paintings remembering
those happy days we travelled in France.

The exhibition consists of 6 chapters.

第1章 近代風景画の源流
第2章 自然への賛美 
第3章 大都市パリの風景画 
第4章 パリ近郊・・・身近な自然へのまなざし
第5章 南へ・・・新たな光と風景
第6章 海を渡って / 想像の世界

Oh, how I wish I could visit France again!

My passport is valid until Sep.12, 2026.

Will I have any opportunities to go abroad

It depends on the state of my health,
I know.