karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

one-coin café

2014-05-30 22:42:00 | ノンジャンル
I often go to a one-coin café in the neighborhood.

The cafe was opened on January 28th this year,
in the community where my apartment stands.

It is run by 26 volunteers, almost all of them
are the elderly, though they are young at heart.

They serve coffee, English tea and green tea
for one coin, 100 yen.

The café is opened for us members of the community
to gather to enjoy talking, and feel relaxed.

Today I went to the café, paid 100yen and
had a cup of coffee.

I enjoyed talking a lot with two volunteer ladies
whom I’ve not talked with before.

How nice to have a café like this in the community!

It's my favorite lounge named 「ふれあいカフェさざんか」,
which I visit when I feel a little bit lonely.

(in front ot the café)