karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Sports Day at koharu's junior high school

2014-05-25 12:43:00 | ノンジャンル
It was a beautiful Sunday yesterday!

The 46th 体育大会 at koharu's junior high school
was held in the playground.

koharu, my granddaughter, is now in her last year
of junior high school.

It was her last Sports Day at junior high school.

I stayed in the playground till last, that was 解団式.

koharu took part in 100m 走・3年全員リレー・大縄跳び・

The Entrance March started at 8:50.

The Brass Band Club played music to the march
and koharu played the oboe.

Every student did her/his best, I thought.

How young they were!
How polite they were!

How passionate they looked!
How bright they looked!

I was happy to see them.

One of the big events at koharu's junior high school
was over.
