karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Labor Thanksgiving Day

2012-11-23 23:34:00 | ノンジャンル
It was cloudy and rainy today.

It was raining in the morning but I opened
all the windows and cleaned up the rooms.

The rain had abated when I finished cleaning.

“Oh, it is Labor Thanksgiving Day!
Kodaira Farmers’ Fair (収穫祭) is held today.
I think I will go and have lunch there,” I decided.

I walked 40 minutes along Tamagawa-josui
and arrived there at 12:35.

I bought 焼きそば for 250 yen, sat on a bench
and ate it talking with a lady who came from 飯能.

She was older than I am.
She was more talkative than I am.
We enjoyed 一期一会.

Most vegetables were sold out during the morning.

I bought 2 very good 牛蒡 for my daughter’s family.
They all like 金平牛蒡 very much.

I bought unsold tomatoes for koharu and her brother.

Tomatoes are their favorites.

Wow! I walked 20114 steps today.