karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

English classes at a junior high school

2012-01-18 10:52:00 | ノンジャンル
I went to a nearby public junior high school
and observed two English classes in the morning.

My granddaughter, koharu, will attend this junior
high school this spring.

The school is now open to the community until Friday.

I've never observed any classes at junior high school.

I've been interested to know how English is taught
at junior high school.

First, I observed one of the third year students'
English classes.

They seemed to have almost finished their textbooks
except Lesson 8.

They did a review of the last lesson—
interrogatives (such as how, when, where, what and which) + to ~.

All the students stood up and began to ask and answer
a question “Do you know how to ~?” to each other.

Yes, they were enjoying their English conversation.

Next was a review of difficult words.
The teacher had many flash cards.
The students were very quick to answer.

I was sorry I could not observe how the textbooks
were taught in class.

The teacher told the class to copy the Lesson 8
into their notebooks.

It took one third of the English class!

I know writing English is very important
but you can copy the textbook at home.

I hoped it was a temporary English class activity.

The next English class I observed was
one of the first year students' English classes.

It was a small class taught by two teachers—
a Japanese and an Englishman.

The students were learning
how to use ‘ordinal numbers’ and ‘whose.’

It seemed to be an oral communication class.

The students were shy but they were enjoying
speaking English.

All the students looked so fresh.

They practiced asking and answering
the following dialogues each other.

Then each group gave performances in front of
the other classmates.


★ When is your birthday?
My birthday is January eighteenth.

★ Whose flute is this?
It's mine.
Oh, is it yours? Here you are.
Thank you.
The curtain is opening.
Let's start. Everyone, please stand up.


I was glad that the first year students were enjoying
English very much.

(tamagawa-josui, in front of my apartment at 4:30p.m.)