karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

cherry blossoms in Kunitachi City

2019-04-07 21:19:00 | ノンジャンル
This morning I felt better than usual.

I remembered Mrs.Iwa saying,
“Would you take me to Kunitachi
to see cherry blossoms
along 大学通り?”

I called her and she was delighted
to go there.

We met near at my apartment at 9:30.

We arrived at Kunitachi Station at 10:15.

We walked along 大学通り
to the first pedestrian bridge歩道橋.


There were many people on the bridge
viewing the cherry blossoms.

What a beautiful view
we got from here 歩道橋 !

It has been 6 years
since I went to Kunitachi
to see the cherry blossoms last.

How time flies!

I walked 10448 steps in a day.