karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

to Shinjuku

2016-02-07 23:00:00 | ノンジャンル
Today, I went to Shinjuku with山口宏子-san,
a member of 能楽写真家協会.

We enjoyed the performance of「朗読と笛の会」
at a small private hall which can hold about 40 people.

Three people recited 「闇笛」by 村松友視, 「鶴の笛」
by 林芙美子 and 「姫椿」by 浅田次郎.

Noh 笛方 played the Noh flute, 能管.

Their reading voice rang resonantly in the hall.
The Noh flute was impressive.

It was my first time to attend this kind of performance.
I was very interested in it.

Before going to the hall, we had lunch at 椿屋珈琲店
near the hall. I liked the coffee shop very much.

After enjoying the performance at the hall,
we walked in Shinjuku Gyoen.

Blue skies!
Fresh air!
Happy people!

I felt wonderfully relaxed
in Shinjuku Gyoen.

I had a very good Sunday.
Thank you so much, Yamaguchi-san!