karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Niigata in March, 2015 (1)

2015-04-02 23:44:00 | ノンジャンル
I came back to my apartment in Tokyo
the night before last.

Have I caught a slight cold?
Do I have hay fever?
I have a runny nose.
I give a sneeze.
I have a slight cough.
I have no fever.
I hope I'll soon be all right.

On March 26 the Joetsu Shinkansen was crowded
with families with children.
Oh, students are now in the spring vacation.

I was surprised there was no snow in Niigata City.
It is getting warmer year by year.

I was very glad to see my neighbors and my friends
in Niigata.

It is 15 years since I left Niigata.
Nobody lives in my own house and my neighbors are
so kind as to take care of it.
I do not know how to thank them.

I enjoyed walking here and there in Niigata
with my friends.
I enjoyed talking and eating with them.

I went to 護国神社・白山神社・寄居浜・古町通etc.
They all brought me back good old memories.

Thank you, Mizu-san.
Thank you, SS-san.

I visited one of my old friends who has been taking
care of her husband---yes, everybody is getting old.

Cheer up, FM-san.

In my hometown Tochio, where my elder sister
and her husband live, they had a heavy snow.

But to their great joy, spring has come earlier
than usual.

I was glad my sister and her husband looked fine,
though her husband found it more difficult to walk.

He seems to be decided to accept everything as it is.
I hope their daily life will be a happy one.

(from the Shinkansen)

(flowers in my garden in Niigata)

(my daughter's elementary school)