karin's English Writing

karin's English Writing

Sayonara, Mr. Satoh!

2012-07-14 21:56:00 | ノンジャンル
On June 14, I wrote about Mr. Satoh,
the instructor of our Harmonica Circle.


How happy I was then.
He taught us harmonica twice in June.

But he did not come to our circle
the day before yesterday.

Alas! I’ve received an email by cellphone
that Mr. Satoh passed away today!

I can’t believe it.
I don’t like to believe it.

I’m sad.
He has gone to another world.

Sayonara, my dear teacher!

to Tokyo Opera City

2012-07-09 22:58:00 | ノンジャンル
koharu’s music teacher recommended her students
to go to 39th Flute Debut Recital at Tokyo Opera City
Recital Hall in Shinjuku.

koharu wanted to go to the recital but koharu's parents
were busy, so I took her to Tokyo Opera City yesterday.

The Flute Debut Recital started at 4 p.m.
There were 8 flute performers.

I thought the recital would end by 6:30 p.m.
No! The recital ended at 8:30 p.m.

koharu and I arrived at Kokubunji at 9:30 p.m.

We took a taxi home.

I came back to my apartment around 10 p.m.

Then I had late supper.

koharu did enjoy the flute very much.

Yesterday was a very long day for me.

(today's sky)


2012-07-07 08:58:00 | ノンジャンル
It's July 7th---. Tanabata.

How sweet the word Tanabata sounds!

It reminds me of my good old days.

I would often look at the stars in the sky at night
---with my daughter.

It’s cloudy today and I’ll not see any stars at night.

But I'll watch the night sky musing over past precious memories.

on the Fourth of July

2012-07-04 10:06:00 | ノンジャンル
Time really flies!

It's the Fourth of July—Independence Day in US.

Oh, I remember having seen a movie:

Did you see the movie?


Heavy rains in Kyushu caused landslides
and serious property damage.

And it is still raining in Kyushu.
I hope there will be no more damage.

The weatherman forecasts today will be the hottest day
we've ever had this year here in Tokyo .

I wonder if I can bear the heat.
It takes time for me to get used to the summer heat.

I say to myself, “Enjoy your summer. Enjoy this moment.
Live today to the full.”

Yesterday I enjoyed walking alone along Tamagawa-josui.